One thing is clear to me is that death is as certain as life. As I mourn the death of a child who was crowned QUEEN and devoted her life to her people, I am reminded of another King who came and sacrificed His life for His children, the world.
He bore the sins of all of us including QUEEN Elizabeth. Reflecting on this event has brought home to me that no one in human flesh lives forever. All the money and technology in this world cannot keep us here on earth, when God say it is time to go, you will go.
I think that this has hit me so hard because my mom (Queen) is a few years younger than QUEEN Elizabeth. The irony is that QUEEN Elizabeth took her job seriously and never intended to abdicate her position.
She served her country until the end and just seeing her two days ago, with the 15th Prime Minister, she served until her death. My own QUEEN of our family is as fierce and dedicated to the Lord as she ever was. I will always speculate on how it must have been for her royal family to observe helplessly as her health and her mental status declined. She was elegant, she was fierce, outdated but driven by a power greater than herself. I mourn with her family and I take comfort in knowing that she is at peace. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. She must have died a thousand deaths at the split of her grandson from the family. We may never know the impact of that on her desire to live.
As the daughter of two preachers, I realize that we put a great deal of stress on our parents when they are in the spotlight. So many secrets are kept for the sake of the public.
The loyalty at any cause no longer exists. Families are not willing to sacrifice everything anymore.
I pray that her son, the newly crowned King can accept that he must modernize the monarch but stay true to God in the process. I pray that he depends on God to bring his family back together and accept the diverse family members that Harry brings to the monarch.
I pray that I have the courage to honor my Queen with all of her faults and see her as human who must shed corruption for incorruptible.
I pray for the United Kingdom and I pray for all left from her generation. Time is coming, accept it fir the sake of the world.
As World War II brought about a new world order, the Death of this Queen and the events we face as Americans right now looms over our country, we must accept the challenge of choosing our Republic over party. We must choose life over death, we must choose to make a better world for future generations.
The time is at hand. We are at a crossroad in time. We can never go backward, we must move forward. The Saints, not Evangelicas must stand up for humanity. Saints are different. There is a call to Alms. Baby boomers let go of hatred, bigotry and injustice.
As the World War II generation leaves us, we must take up the mantle to ensure that all are created equal before God and Man.
We must decide if we still want to have a world or are we ready to give up and accept defeat.
No King, No Queen can ever replace God but we have been given a road map to follow. God sacrificed His SON, and His SON sacrificed His life for us. The Queen devoted her life to her people. I leave you all with this Question: WHAT WILL YOU SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SOUL? MONEY, GREED, POWER, STATUS, OR TRUTH?
Inspired by 1Kings 2:1-46