• Phone Number: 352-433-2173 Email Address: drddbaoh@gmail.com
  • 2825 SW 34th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34474

Happy Birthday to Our Chapter Secretary

Please assist me in wishing my childhood friend, my classmate, one of the most sophisticated Divas of all time, the one who always straighten my crown, straighten my clothes and have been there for me through the years. She knows where dead bodies are buried, she lived with me during one of the most difficult periods in my life. When I sought comfort in the wrong way, she never judged me, she supported me in my time of despair. She knows where God brought me from and can testify of His Grace and Mercy toward both of us.

She is loyal, she is shy, she knows God and she is my sister-friend. We may not talk everyday but we are here for each other. We pray for one another and we remain F.A.T.A.L.
She is our Chapter Secretary. She Is my SiStar and I love her.

Please join me in wishing the Chapter Secretary and I personally know how great of a record keeper she is. When I was young, she stayed with me in Jacksonville and attended Jones College. She is the widow of our deceased Brother AL Greene and I hope this birthday brings her the warm fuzzy feeling of his spirit today and always. I love how she walks likes a Nubian Princess and I hope she never doubts my love and loyalty to her as my Sister-Sistar. You are my Martha and I am your Mary. Now to the point help me wish Our Secretary of Queen Of Sheba Chapter #104 Order Of The Eastern Star P.H.A. SiStar Anne Ann Greene a Happy Birthday. God bless you my Sister.

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