I agree that people are the problem because guns are going to remain in the place you put them unless the human picks them up.
Inaction and Actions by the human being are the problem, it is the sin that takes over the human spirit that is causing the human to pick up the gun and use it to harm others.
Paul in Eph. 6:12 warns us that we “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, but the greatest enemies are the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
As I was meditating this morning, God brought back to my memory the shootings that we had here in Marion County where six teenagers’ lives were destroyed, three by the shooting and three who were victims of the shooting. One of the guns used was supposedly stolen from the police station.
That was the red flag waved in front of the proverbial bull for me. How is it so easy for these young people to get guns, than it is for law-abiding citizens to get guns?
It is because of the wickedness of those who should be honest, Public Officials should at least be morally and ethically honest. That is a baseline for leadership for me. Of course, as a Leader, I prefer that my leader be a Bible-believing Christian, but not everyone desires to be saved.
If we could just get a baseline, ethical moral leadership our nation will be better off.
I am a pistol-carrying preacher and am proud of it. I am doubly armed, with the breastplate of righteousness for the average person and with the sword of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Bible. I am armed with my breastplate of salvation; but, I am also armed with my natural weapon for the fool.
David said in Psalms 14:1 and 53:1 “The fool said in his heart there is no God” There are plenty of fools out there and God made us leaders as watchmen for your souls. He gave Moses a rod in the old testament, when Jesus came to clarify the law, He left us the Holy Ghost. He left us His Spirit. Yes, I am a pistol-carrying preacher and it is legally registered. I know that Jesus said, through David in Psalms 37:9, “The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call on the Lord, will receive His help, but we must understand, that all humans come from the dirty earth that was polluted and corrupted by Satan when he was thrown out of Heaven.
Since man was made from the dirty earth, we all have the capacity to be wicked, our hearts are not pure unless we accept the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, As leaders, it is incumbent upon us, to be led by the Holy Spirit.
For your reference, read Isaiah 3:11, Psalms 91:7, Psalms 10, and Psalms 73:10.
Saints of God, stay prayed up, put on the “full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wilds of the enemy, Eph.6:10-20.
A final footnote, Women are the closest to God because we did not come directly from the earth, women were made from the rib of the man who came directly from the earth. God knew exactly what He was doing, He made the women part divine and part Earth, which links women to the capacity to honor God more than men.
I leave you this morning with a thought mothers, you hold the key to your family, protect your children, protect your homes with fasting and praying, clean out your homes of filth, and return to God for restoration of your seed.
The wicked people in high places are using, guns, chemicals, and other demonic tools as a means of population control, the jails are crowded, so these weapons are depleting the populations that are unfavorable to the leaders who seek to create a new world order.
When Satan devises his plans, he is not rational. These guns were put in place to eliminate undesirables, but Satan neglected to consider that these later generations are color blind, educated, and brash, what they set out to destroy undesirables turned out to be pleasing to all races, drugs, alcohol, guns, and sin are color blind and now runs rampant throughout the world.
Drugs were initially introduced to the blacks, now they want to fight drugs because drugs are destroying an entire generation.
Wake up Everybody in my Teddy Pendergrass, Harold Melvin voice, time to teach a new way. I agree that guns are not the problem sin, in the form of corruption, drugs, and the people who use guns are the problems.
I am unapologetically Raw, Dr. K.J. Crowell-Grate, PH.D.