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Preparing for the Enemy’s Schemes

Just as hunters use snares to catch animals and armies set traps to misdirect or eliminate their enemies, our spiritual adversaries deploy the same tactics against us. As Christians, we must be prepared for the schemes of the enemy. And so we seek God’s wisdom, which gives us discernment to spot temptation, deceit, and other traps that catch us in the snare of sin., Bible Inspiration

Being mindful of Paul, Silas, Moses, and all of the apostles gone before us, it is incumbent upon me to stand firm on the Word Of God. That being said, Christians need to get rid of the “Peter spirit. Peter was true to his belief and support for Jesus, right up to the point where he was recognized by those who were to crucify Jesus. Peter denied Jesus three times. The first time he spoke out of fear, the second and third time was his opportunity to repent and speak up for his Savior. Peter allowed his flesh to control his fear of being killed himself.

Today, many Christians are denying Jesus out of fear, of what may happen if they took ownership of their faith that Jesus lives inside of them and He will be glorified when Christians come together against sin in our land.

Complacency and silence are a form of denial of Jesus again and again when Christians should be guiding our politicians, speaking truth to power.

I agree with the Bible scholar, “As Christians, we must be prepared for the schemes of the enemy; and so we seek God’s wisdom, which gives us discernment to spot temptation, deceit, and other traps that catch us in the snare of sin., Theologians we are experts in the Word of God; yet, we rarely speak out about what the Bible advises us to do when sin through Satan raise His head.

The media have what they call expert commentators who come on news stations and boost their ratings through propaganda.

Theologians are rarely if ever asked to become commentators. It is incumbent for us now to become ambassadors (apostles) for Jesus now. I challenge all Theologians to use whatever platforms we have to offer alternatives to these commentators and politicians who are destroying our democracy. If we are ashamed to own Jesus now, we are just like Peter who denied his association with Jesus. Who and when will the righteous cry out and change the course of the violence, the drugs, and the murders that plague our nation?

We expect teachers to teach our children, to work miracles on children who are not being taught at home to respect the God who created man and woman. CHRISTIANS can not sit back and be silent when parents send their children to school, teachers have no power or influence over the children’s belief system. If the leaders want things to be better in the communities, and better in the cities, this Theologian must admonish teachers and leadership to hold parents accountable for the actions of their children.

Teachers should not be abused by children, just like children should not be abused by the teachers. Teachers should be respected by the parents, just as teachers are to respect parents.

When elementary and middle school children are committing murder, bringing weapons to school, and bullying other children with no consequence, it is time for Christians to speak up, step up and advise the nation that God offers us examples through the life of Jesus who walked amongst men, suffered at the hands of men and died to save us from sin. Jesus is alive forever more. Will Theologians step up to the plate or will we be deniers like Peter?


Lord God, You (promised) to empower me to resist temptation. But sometimes, the temptation is veiled and hard to see. Give me the wisdom that I need to see traps and detect lies. Strengthen me with Your truth so that I may not be easily led astray. (Help me to rely on Word, help me to speak truth to power, help me to speak your Word in season and out of season, Give me the strength and the boldness to stand for righteousness. As David cried out to You in Psalms 149, I ask You for protection from those who lay snares for me and secretly work evil against me.

Guide my mind Lord Jesus and keep me as I spread the good news that You are alive forever more. I that the words of my mouth are pleasing in Your sight in the name of Yeshua-Jesus Christ’s name, Amen, Amen, and Amen)

Adapted Prayer by Dr. K. J. Crowell-Grate, PH.D.

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