Am I a hypocrite?
I cannot shut my brain down, I am a terrible person, I hate everybody. If you think you can tell me what to do you are crazy. I am free. I will not allow you to take my freedom. I will not wear a mask and you cannot ask me to. You are violating my civil rights by asking me not to go to the beach. This is America, this is the only country in the world where I can do what I want. You have no right to tell me to stay home, I go where I want to. You have no right to tear down statues of our history. You have no right to call me incompetent. You are being a politician because you ask me to wear a mask to make me look bad. I think testing is overrated. Why are we doing so much testing? Do not attack my family, they are off-limits.
By now I should have your attention. Why should we listen to a leader who tells us testing is overrated, yet he has everyone around him tested? Wake up!
Why should we listen to a leader who tells us Black Lives Matter refers to people who are extremists, and people who kill us are very fine people? Lookup to Jesus for your help and guidance. Lookup
Read and study for yourself, get engaged in the process, Speakup, vote.
Pray for those who despitefully use you. Be not deceived by wolves in sheep clothing. Prayup
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Breastplate
Wash your body (church) often washup
Take this virus serious but he goes golfing, traveling, speaking, and bullying, watch
White lives matter too. He has rallied and ask all these white supporters to come and worship him as he denigrates most of society to unite up.
I am a republican, I am a democrat, I am a liberal, I am a conservative. American.
If we followed this train of words and continue to disobey the warnings right in front of us, yes we are all hypocrites.
My people, all people, all Americans WEAR YOUR MASKS, PRAY one for another. Freedom is not free. You have to suffer now to appreciate the freedom on the other side of the suffering. The songwriter said No Pain, No gain.
We have to stop promoting #45. Every time we post what he says, we are giving him a voice. We share his rants, but will not share the Word of God. We respond to his negativity by sharing his junk.