Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, sisters, and brothers please repeat this over and over. Our young men must be careful how they travel these days, especially after MAGA.
Keep them lifted in Prayer BLACK LIVES MATTER! I don’t care if that offends anyone! Oh God, my soul is grieving for another senseless loss of life! How many more black souls have to be lost? America the Beautiful do you not see or do you simply not care!!!? I just got finished praying for my 9-year-old grandson who was in tears because he doesn’t want to die at the hands of the police. I pleaded the blood of Jesus and I ask God to cover them.
My 2 1/2-year-old grandson said “He killed him” as they watched the video of this unarmed, handcuffed man being killed by the police. The silent will summarize that as (if he isn’t doing anything unlawful then he doesn’t have anything to worry about) That’s a fallacy!
A traffic stop could result in his death. We have to train our black male children how to NOT die and it doesn’t always work. Jaywalking can result in death. Walking or jogging lawfully can result in death. I had to explain to them that the police are NOT your friends. It doesn’t matter what they do or say. Don’t make any sudden moves! Show them your unarmed hands and say yes ma’am or yes sir!
I don’t care who thinks you are being a punk. All that matters is that you live to see another day! America the Beautiful, do you have to tell your children that they can’t play with toy guns? Do you have to tell them that they can’t drive lawfully at night in their own cars? Do you have to tell them that they have to deny themselves the constitutional rights to bear arms because they will be killed if the police think they have a gun?
The magic phrase, I feared for my life. Pass go! you do not have to go directly to jail!. Go straight to your death. America the Beautiful do you care?
Repost from my niece, Racheal Holt Townsend.
I could not say it better.
Just to piggyback on your statement niece, you cannot be a black man and go to the park in the state of New York without being considered a threat to a white woman if you are a black male. The police could have easily came upon the incident where the white female did not have her dog on a leach. The black man asked her to put her dog on a leash, she ended up calling the police and saying she was threatened by a black man in the park. That could have resulted in his death.