• Phone Number: 352-433-2173 Email Address: drddbaoh@gmail.com
  • 2825 SW 34th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34474

Good Morning Phamily, Sorors family, and all God’s children.

You never really know how much people care about you until you are at a low point in your life.

We are all coming out of the Pandemic which created chaos and reeked havoc on our society.

When you are used to being there for others all the time, it is difficult to admit your own vulnerability.

This is new for me. Today, I want to thank all of you who simply said hello, a phone call, a message or just an emoji. I through out a lifeline and you all caught it. You were there for me and I will never forget.

It was not important for you to know why I posted, “Where are my Sorors, SisStars, Loyal Ladies and

Heroines, what mattered is that you cared enough to respond.

I say again, thank you for that. You stepped up to the plate. You were true to your promise to always be available. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.

I am living a new reality. I am in uncharted territory.

I know that with your help and the love of Christ, Jesus through each of you, I can conquer the challenges that I face.

I am more than a conqueror because God gave me all of you.

I say that to say this. We all need people. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I implore you to reach out, when you are overwhelmed, we are one family and we all need to have someone to lean on when times seem hard.

It is OK to admit we are human.

Thank you all very much for praying for my aging family, thank you all for showing love to me.

Thank you for remembering to give me aid in my misfortunes, sympathy in my sorrows and a kind word or phrase to ease the pains of life.

I am proud to serve under the leadership of “JGC Order of the Eastern Star and other affiliated bodies of the MWUGL of Florida.”

You really are my VILLAGE.

Thank you to Alpha Kappa Alpha Incorporated, friends and all others for being your sister’s keeper.

Know that I love you and I will not be afraid or too embarrassed to reach out for help.

To my Brother who listens to me and always allow me to vent. I say thank you. WORDS MATTER.

Losing my oldest Brother, and my close brother and my daddy-brother being in crisis now, I have lost my support system.

Some things even your honeydo cannot fix. It is good to have the ear of a “True Boaz” to have my Back.

You are your “sister’s keeper” and my Brothers do “have my back”.

Make it a great day and always listen, sometimes your ears are the greatest gift you can give to another, PHAmily Sorors and friends service to others is being a servant to God. Make it A Great Day!

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