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Soul Food: Not for the Fool!

WARNING! This long post is not for the fool!

I will strive to make your precepts my guide to you!

“God has given us commands, not because He is a controlling God, but because He is a loving God. Those who remember His commands and follow them remain shielded, for God is wise in what He tells us.”
Good morning this scripture is so appropriate because we constantly get in our own way. We miss our blessings because of the “I” “My” mentality that drives us to make drastic mistakes.
We forget the fact, that Paul tells us in the Book of Corinthians 6:20, to sacrifice our lives for Jesus and by doing so, we honor God. The King James version states ” For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God (in your body,) and in your spirit, which are God’s.

If then our body and spirit(blood) belongs to God, who are we to say that we are free to do as we wish?

According to Paul when Jesus shedded His (Spirit)Blood on Calvary, he payed the ultimate price for our (spirits) blood and our bodies.

When we could not read for ourselves, we had no choice but to believe what we were told by our leaders, but with education, we become responsible for our own behaviors. Because of the first Sin by Adam, Eve and the snake, sin, along with wisdom guides our actions. Why is this so important right now?

Thanks for asking, now let me give you my take.

We have a Virus, (spirit) running rampart in this world, as Christians, we should be so connected to the (Spirit) of God that there is no doubt that anything that causes harm to God’s body is of the devil and must be purged from our “spirit” blood stream. The blood is our spirit that is life. The virus is a spirit just like liquors, burbon, cigarettes, cocaine and any other “spirits” that are of the devil and sole purpose is to alter our ” God Spirit” living inside of us.

By no means am I am disparaging alcohol, drugs, etc. because I believe, it is over indulgence of these spirits that harms our body and brings us to sin.

For the purpose of this long post, I am appealing to the God Spirit that should guide all believers.

I ask that you look at the virus as a spirit, not of God, because God needs bodies. God wants us to live and do His Will, therefore God needs abled bodies.

Angelicas, Christians, Believers, help me understand, How can you say that you love God and believe it is ok to allow this virus(spirit) to take control of your body?

How can you say you believe when you are still holding on to the (I) (My) mentality of yourself? Your example is Jesus, He sacrificed His life (Spirit) for us, How can we say we love God and hate our sisters and brothers? John 15:13, states, ” Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life fir his friends.” This variant of Coronavirus is a spirit from Satan and Christians should be first to say, I will sacrifice my will to help save the lives of my family and friends. We are not fighting flesh and blood, we are fighting principalities (politics), rulers of the darkness (Rich aristocrats) of this world.

Revelations: 3:15-17, ” Because you are lukewarm, I know your deeds, you are neither hot, nor, cold, God is about to spit you out. Because you have acquired your wealth, you do not need God any more, But what you fail to realize is, you have become wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. Christians you must “WAKE UP” before what little blood (spirit) is left inside your lukewarm bodies, disappear, repent to God, stop serving Him from your lips and manipulating the weak, with your cunning ways and thoughts for your own gain, your ways are not God’s ways, your thoughts are not His thoughts, God brings life not death. Sin brings about death, Further John in Revelations tells us if you do not wake up, if you do not repent, God will come as a thief in the night, and you will not even have time to repent, because, you will not even know when.

David said, in Psalms 119, I will never forget God precepts and will remember to abide by them.

Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Imams, it is up to you to guide your sheep in the right way. How can you say you are of God and not teach your sheep to do what is best for their health? How can you love God and lead your sheep to the slaughter?


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