Let the record show that I do not agree with what Governor DeSantis did. I do not agree with what Governor Kemp in Texas did; however, I do agree that the entire country should be included in hosting these immigrants. These are human beings, from the beginning of life, people migrated to meet their basic needs.
There should not in 2022 be red or blue states. A House divided will fall. America is one big house with unlimited resources. The people coming to this country deserve the opportunity to have a better chance of success.
I am appalled that these governors are using people as props in their quest for power.
I pray that God will intervene as only He can to change the hearts of the leaders in this country and in these states to be better, to do better and to acknowledge God for guidance on how to be better stewards of His children.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things that I can, most of all God give me the wisdom to turn all things over to you when I know the difference.
Help your servants to come boldly before you about the conditions we face because we do not seek you first. Lord thank you for safely bringing these people to the borders seeking Refuge; we are all a part of the human race. You carefully formed this world, you did not put all of the assets or resources in one area. Instead, you scattered them throughout the universe to teach us how to depend on one another. What kind of God would give everything to one people and nothing to another? You, God was so wise that you set up Regions and distributed goods throughout. Your master plan was for us to realize that we are a part of each other and that we should share with one another the blessings that You bestowed upon each region of the world. You, God gave us a roadmap, help us to revert back to You. Help us to follow your desire for all people.
More and more, I am realizing that these 7 continents have all been suppliers of resources that connects them, all have been given various resources to share with one another, we should barter with one another, not bully, monoplize or seek to use resources to build one’s own kingdom forgetting about the other. Help those who serve You to understand that we are all members of one body, until we who know better, do better, we are all doomed for failure.
I pray for the saved people to stand for righteousness, stand for holiness and treat each other like sisters and brothers looking for eternal peace in your prepared place for us.
I pray these things in your SON, Jesus’ name Amen.
Dr. Kat. J. Crowell-Grate, In God’s Service.