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Do Not Feel Guilty When You Say No

Feeling guilty for just wanting some alone time with God to rejuvenate my strength in this crucial moment, I sought the Lord and He heard me.

He took me to Luke 6:12-He (JESUS) went to the Hills to pray and all night, He continued in prayer to God.. AS I read that another reference scripture was recommended Mark 6:46, Jesus went into the mountains to pray. Again Jesus left us an example for what to do when we become overwhelmed with challenges of this world. Before Jesus chose His 12 disciples, Brother Luke verifies “Jesus went three days into the hills to pray. In addition to these instructions, Jesus encourages us to take some time to ourselves and pray in secret. Many people misinterpret this scripture that Jesus wants us to always “pray in secret to be rewarded openly Matt 6:5-6. In scripture context, Matthew was showing us the important of gaining strength through tapping into the Holy Sprit without interruption. It does not mean that all prayer should be done in secret. But when we deal directly with our Father in Heaven, we must steal away to be revived, rejuvenated to continue our journey on the Labyrinth of life. This is where we as leaders and as Christians pray for ourselves. Jesus’ journey was filled with struggles, strife and sin which drained his fleshly energy. Prayer was His battery charger which permitted Him to refocus on the mission God gave to Him (Jesus).

Jesus stole away for prayer but He was also resting from the drain of His physical and mental well-being. He was Jesus-flesh and blood.

Point-Thank you for Asking.

Take some “me time” it is OK to be absent from events, situations that drain us. Do not feel guilty for taking time to care for your mind, body and your soul. That is and has been hard for me in the past. Jesus said when you know better do better.

No matter how many times you read scripture God will through His SON Jesus direct our path.

Conclusion: Do not feel guilty when you say no. Do not make others more important than the body and mind God gave to you for His purpose. The World will never understand your need or care about what you want. Jesus is all and all. He answers when we need Him. He may not answer when we want Him to but, He promised never to leave us and David said, trust in Him with all your heart. Acknowledge Him and permit Him to direct your path.

Revelation: I am always (procrastinating) as my husband calls it.

I choose to say that I wait for direction from God. The one time that I did not listen to God, I almost lost my life. There will always be a scar to remind you of the consequences of disobedience. Pay attention when that calm voice, say wait, not yet, God is warning you that destruction awaits you ahead. Teach your chikdren to wait and not jump at every invitation. Teach them to obey parents who are saying do not go? Teach them to hear the instructions of the wise because they are there to guide them. Teach them to respect their teachers in t He classroom. As you prefer to send your chikdren back to school, check out your children’s teachers. You have a right to know that teacher’s life style before you leave your children in their care. Check out the leaders, anyone that will be instrumental in the growth of your children. You have been granted the opportunity to get scholarships to place your children in a Christlike environment, use it. As you move into another school year, I ask God to guide the minds of all parents to be a part of what is being poured into your impressionable Children. When you buy a car or a house, you shop around, do the same for the most precious gift that God has given you, a child. In the midst of my meditation on myself, Jesus redirected me to this. I will not edit it out or make another post for this nugget. This is the reason why we have to take time to hear from Heaven, God usually have something that He need Jesus to implant in us for delivery to His sheep. Amen.

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