• Phone Number: 352-433-2173 Email Address: drddbaoh@gmail.com
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Homosexuality Rights and Black History

I do not know everything, so I would like to ask a question.

Why is it that homosexuality and (LBGTQ) rights have to be attached to AP African American History Courses and Black History?

It seems that when blacks stand up for rights, all sorts of other negative stigmas are attached to any fight for rights, for equality. Things are hard enough for minorities.

It makes sense to me that minorities need to stick to the fight that Dr. KING and many other civil rights leaders sacrificed their lives for.

I believe that African American History should be taught as American History.

For so long Black History was not taught. Until I went to college, I was clueless except for stories told me by my ancestors. Most of those stories were not good stories l. The only thing that I was taught in school was that part about slaves coming from Africa to America and being beaten by their masters; while that part of History terrified me, I had to endure it.

It was not until I graduated from high school and moved to Great Lakes, Illinois that I discovered that Black people were instrumental in the building of this country and invented many things that we as dark-skinned people could be proud of. I did not even know about King and Queens of brown skin until I was an adult in college at Grayslake, Illinois.

All history is important! Just like I learned about the Wright Brothers, I should have learned in elementary school that it was a dark-skinned man who performed the first successful open-heart surgery. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams not only performed the first open-heart surgery, but he founded the first Black-owned hospital in America.

There is plenty of dark-skinned History that can be taught to young children whose brains are still developing. Is this dark-skin History, not American History? DeSantis, Trump, Biden, and all other leaders should take a different outlook on American History. The focus should be directed on teaching History in earlier grades giving children something to be proud of.

I would not want my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren in kindergarten and first to fifth grade to be taught about slavery without giving both races something positive to hold on to.

As children become old enough to process things objectively, of course, they should learn the ugliness of slavery on all people including brown-skinned and red-skinned Indians.

I listened as some of my relatives from Ocala, Mt. CANAAN, and Silver Springs tell me of my Indian Heritage, but it is easier for an American with pink skin to get their Native American rights than it is for a dark-skinned American. No records were accurately kept on dark-skinned people as they were sold from place to place because they were not considered whole human beings.

Why is it then that Politicians speak of dark-skinned people not deserving reparations?

On this day, I am proud to be a brown-skinned American, the descendant of a slave who married an Indian.

That is a fact and no one can take that fact from me.

My father, Henry Crowell Jr. My grandfather Henry McKinley Crowell, My Aunt Mary Vereen, Uncle Red Piner, Uncle Elijah Davis, and many more made sure that my heritage was passed down and Uncle William Crowell, Uncle DV and Eddie Vereen, Aunt Selina Harrington and My great-grandfather, Mr Simon Harrington did the same.

I take my heritage seriously. If you follow me on Facebook, you will know that even though my children live in another state, I take them to the burial grounds of my ancestors to let them know they have a legacy to be proud of when they come to Ocala.

Be not dismayed by dark-skinned people while the media portray us negatively, they cannot cut our bloodline out.

Be not conformed to this world as the Bible instructs us. Train up your own children, sit with them teach them to love everyone; but be realistic and understand that there are still those out there who have been sanctioned by Satan to destroy and eliminate people of color from this country.

Forget homosexuality and (LGBTQ) people in this process. Homosexuality was not started by people of color, so why should it be attached to the rights of dark skin people to be treated equally?

If you notice, the Europeans in this country through their literature, taught homosexuality way before African Americans were brought to this country. Many Muslim countries killed people instantly for partaking in any form of what they called unnatural acts of homosexuality. If we are really talking about WOKE or wokeness, why do you think it is so hard for dark-skinned families to accept homosexuality in their homes and churches? Our dark-skinned people saw that as an abomination to God. Then why would we attach something so controversial to the fight or ancestors died for.

So, Again I ask, what do African American History being taught in Public or Private Schools have to do with all the negative stigmas around, (LGBTQ) studies? It is enough to fight for the rights of dark-skinned men and women to be treated as humans, than for us to have to deal with all the others. (American Outcasts).

Disclaimer! This submission is my opinion only and in no way speaks evil of no one particular race creed, color, national origin, or sexual preference with disdain, disgust, or discrimination. It is solely written to generate discussion on the fight the media is taking and calling it as they speak for all dark-skinned people. I further assert that I have no right to judge any man, lest God judges me.

We do not have to wait for anyone to teach us our history. Instruction begins at home. No one should tell me or you what is appropriate for your child to learn. It is up to each family individually to ensure and be involved in what is taught to their children.

I implore the media and the politicians to stop dividing our country and let us live in peace.

I believe there are many in this country who do not have family members of all races, creeds, or denominations. One thing is for sure, if a person needs blood to survive, they will not refuse a transfusion based on where or who it comes from. Stop the nonsense.

Governor DeSantis, you have a record of accomplishments to run on, stop making the race an issue.

I found this on NewsBreak: Black History Month Begins With Ron DeSantis Waging War Against Black History

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