This past year, I was delighted to see come to an end. 2020 brought an awakening to us. I want to say thank you to my family for keeping me grounded. Your likes on Facebook, your texts to my phone. Your phone calls just to say checking in on you sis.
You all carried me when I was lonely, cheered me when I was sad, and comforted my heart as I traveled the road of grief.
Through all of my struggles, troubles, and pain, you blessed me with genuine love onl
y true sisters and brothers give. Your prayers, your love helped me when I begin to complain.
You helped me to focus on the joy that love and friendship bring.
Today, as I focus on my life and this day many years ago, my mother and father gave me life, let me say to all of you, I have had some bad days, but my good days outweigh the bad.
On this birthday, I am thankful.
God has been good to me. He kept me when I felt like giving up, He carried me when I was tired, He loved me when I did not love myself, He reminded me that I am Royal, He said let me mold you, I am not ready for you yet. As Covid 19 ravaged this Earth, He kept me, as people lost everything they had in fires, storms, and all the other elements that a Sovereign God can muster, He said “Not Yet”
When the Governor of Florida changed the rules, he had no clue that my God used him as His tool, to make it possible for me to be able to receive the vaccine. For that, I say Thank you, Jesus. When my husband was fighting for his life and I felt so alone, He sent me comfort. God saw me. He sent me a true brother who listened, kept my fears a secret, held to his integrity, with all of his own responsibilities, God saw me. For that today, I am thankful. I am thankful that God gives you what you need without asking. That is why on this birthday, I am here to say thank you to you, you, and you. Finally, to my Alpha Kappa Sorors of ETO, thank you for all of your support through the turbulent year of 2020.
I do not know what God has in store for me in 2021; but, I know that He is faithful.
So! I ask Him to “Prepare my heart and my mind for whatever comes” and know that life is sweeter with you all in it.
I am Unapologetically Raw.