If I sit quiet and if anyone professing to know God sit silently as these “Evangelicas”
Play with God’s WORD to suit their political hypocritical views, then I may turn in all my ordination, all my degrees etc.
We cannot bend and twist the laws for the wealthy.
I try to stay out of this stuff but if we do not speak up for God’s WORD, who will.
These people say they are supporting Walker because God said if we are without sin, cast the first stone. As leaders, we must speak up, we must “Defend Our Faith”.
Every example that God gives us in the Bible, He used His SON, Jesus to demonstrate His Grace and Mercy toward His children.
Any true preacher knows that Jesus used that verse to remind all those who wanted Jesus to condemn the woman that His grace and mercy is extended to all and not just someone we despise at the time.
My Question is how dare the Evangelicas justify their support of Walker by stating God has forgiven him? By Walker’s own words, “He did not do anything.”
If the man asserts, he did nothing, why are his defenders able to say what he did in the past is irrelevant, when all of these people walking around this country has committed sin and served their time in jail, given their lives over to God, but are being denied their rights to vote in elections.
They are denied rights to get rental space for their families, they may have stolen something at one of their most vulnerable moments, but they are denied basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over these hypocrites.
The Bible declares, sin is sin. The Bible said, “only those who are faultless before God have the right to judge others, so I use the WORD to, say as Matthew did in chapter 7:1 “Judge not” if you condemn others you will be condemned. How can the democrats condemn Republicans for sin and the Republicans condemn the democrats when they are all doing the same thing.
It is up to the “Christian leaders to prepare ourselves, our children, our congregations for the way these politicians twist the WORD to suit them in their frolic.
There is a separation between saints and sinners, there is a separation between good and evil. God punishes us when we do wrong. Society have laws in place to punish us when we do wrong.
There are laws in place for all humanity to follow.
One thing troubles me right now is what is being said to cover a man who has not openly came before the public whom he seeks to represent and admit that he did something wrong, ask for forgiveness and ask God for mercy.
Why are you saying this preacher? Thanks for asking, I speak for every sinner who has committed sin or crimes and have paid the consequences for their actions, but are not fully immersed back onto society. Some of these people did things decades before and have given their lives to Christ, yet they are not permitted to participate fully in society.
To me it is just as important that these benefits be extended back to them! How can you assert that preacher? Thanks for asking?
I say that with the authority God gives me. MICAH 7:19 KJV “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more, gateway version: He will return again, He will have compassion on us; He will subdue our iniquities. And Thou will cast all your sins into the depths of the sea.
In these scriptures I do not see any reference to where God will only do this for the rich or for the poor, God extends that Grace and Mercy to each of us collectively and individually.
One thing, I do know is that Scripture states, “we work deceitful, we will not dwell in the house of God and when we tell lies we will not have the pleasure of being in God’s sight. He said He will destroy the the wicked of the land; and cut off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord,” Psalms 101:7. Paraphrased.
This is a message to anyone who has not had your rights restored.
God’s law supersedes man’s laws. Man’s laws should line up with God’s law.
Point: These same evangelicas who are backing Herschel Walker are the same Evangelicas seeking to suppress votes, seeking to deny exconvicts, the right to be forgiven and integrated back into society completely.
As Christians, we must speakout, we must speak up, we must demand complete restorations of rights for God’s people. If Jesus said God would forgive our sins, then we must stand on that.
Why have not anyone come out early to condemn them for this hypocrisy? Thought?
I heard somewhere that politics and Christianity, church and state should be separate: yet,
All I am hearing is that Republicans or evangelicas are for what is right, why I cannot see that?
If we are indeed one nation under God indivisible, why are we so devisive?
God does not force Himself on anyone. He gives us a choice. He and His SON who sits on His right side is the one who will judge the world, He will determine where our eternity will be not men and women.
If God gives us choices and consequences, how can a man determine another man’s fate?
Politicians are not Judges, they are not apostles, they are not Rabbis, They are not imams, they are elected by people to fulfill the obligations of the constitution morally and ethically. That is why Plato said leaders must possesses ethos and logos, Athena a greek God said, men must be rational. That rationality should direct them to be ethical. Emotions should not guide our leaders, our leaders should be guided by an accepted set of rules, regulations, laws and declarations that include all people of the nation without hesitation, without discrimination and without religiosity.
It is impossible to lead by egos. It is impossible for narcissistic people to lead objectively. Why?
Thanks for asking, Satan convinced Adam and Eve that they could be like God, that did not work then, Satan had an exaggerated sense of his importance, it did not work then, Satan was thrown out of Heaven, Adam and Eve was thrown from the Garden of Eden. Pride brings about a fall everytime.
It is humility, brokenness and contrite spirits that move God.
Even many who say they do not believe in God, they have a sense of right and wrong.
They have laws and morals to live by:
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, while it does not say narcissistic personality comes before a fall, it is the same to me, no one person has the ability to know what is best for the entire nation. That is why the constitution was written for all people by all men of different religious practices inspired by God. It saddens my heart to see how the Words, Grace and Mercy are used to justify sin, to win an election and to deny others their civil rights.
It is time for us who claim to know Jesus to examine ourselves. We have to stand firm on our calling. We are to deliver the good news of Jesus Christ, descendent of Abraham, veiled into a flesh being, died, and ascended back to His Father to live for evermore.
We are at one of the most difficult places in our lifetime.
We are in a material world, this world is only a temporary home for each of us, we must decide if we want to live right now to inherit a peaceful eternity; or if we want to continue to live as though this world is all there is; Flesh and Blood cannot inherit God’s kingdom.
Proverbs 8:13- NIV TO fear the Lord is to hate evil, I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
This message is not for the sinner because the only thing God said for the sinner, is Matthew 3:2 “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near, NIV.
This is for all of us who claim that we need to get the Word.
Those who have been washed in the blood of the crucified Lamb of God.
In closing, Psalms 119:11 “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee, KJV
The time is never before as it is now; we realize that man is his own worst enemy. Old, people, young people, middle aged people, when you go to the polls to vote, carry Jesus in there, with you, carry wisdom in there with you, carry God in there with you, carry the Holy Ghost in there with you, this could be the most important election in our history. Wake up, watch up, pray up and then trust your God to lead you. Let no man deceive you!!!!!
I could not sit quiet when politicians are playing with the WORD of God.
Not my words but scripture states, James 4:17 “He that knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him, it is sin, ESV.
Your choice, make it count.
Pastor Dr. Kat J. CROWELL, IN GOD’S SERVICE! Unedited