Lord God, thank You that You have set me free from the law and sin. I ask that Your Spirit rise up in me always so that I am aware that it is You who delivered me from the mouth of Satan. Thank you, Jesus, for being the shield for my heart.
It is:
Your Spirit that keeps my human nature from the subjection of pride taking over causing me to neglect Your Spirit and keeping me from hurt, harm, or danger.
May I always remember to trust You, when You whisper the right things to do, at the right time, and to refrain from the traps and snares of the fowler when You instruct me to do so.
Finally, Lord, Jesus keep me on the straight and narrow path that will lead me to eternal life in Heaven with You. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus who died for me to have a right to the Tree of Llife.
It is in Jesus’ mighty name, I ask You Lord, not Mary, not Joseph, not my father or my mother, but in the name of my crucified Savior, the precious only Son of God to die for my sins, AMEN. AMEN.
As I think of things that I did in my past, I am humbled that God did not cut me off in sin.
I am comforted that my sins have been forgiven, and I no longer am a slave or a prisoner of my past.
Forever, I am grateful that God did not give up on me. He saw in me what I did not always see in myself.
Let me say to all of you who have been converted and are walking with Christ. You are free and whom Christ set free, you are “free indeed.” Let no one cause you to feel that you are less in God because of your life before Christ. The Word of God reminds us that we are new creations and that we are to live our lives knowing that God is our keeper if we want to be kept.
When God “rescues” us, we have to completely surrender our lives over to Him. If we once again become too grown for God, we revert to the sinful ways of our past. God never leaves us, we leave Him.
No matter how many times we leave, God waits for us to return unto Him.
We must remember that we run the risk of being caught out of the safety that God provides, and woe to the one that is caught out of Christ when the death angel comes.
It is good to remember that “it is our Savior who freed us from the … proverbial land of Egypt” Deut 6:12.