The return of Jesus to rapture His Church and to judge the wicked is described in Revelation as a wedding ceremony with God being the groom and the saints as his brides. Accordingly, scholars believe that ” Typically weddings are associated with happy times where there are, ” feasts, dancing, and gladness, wedding ceremonies (which) are joyous occasions (prevalent) in every culture. It’s hard to find an event that is so universally celebrated. So it is no surprise that Revelation describes the second coming of Christ, which ushers in the new heaven, as the Lamb’s wedding ceremony. What joy we all have to look forward to as members of Christ’s bride, His church!”
The joy John speaks of in Revelation awaits all who have held on to God’s unchanging covenants and promises.
Theologians rarely deal with the last book of the Bible because it details the second coming of Christ and often frightens away those who have not completely surrendered their all to God. I remember as a child, when mom was in the Theological Seminary; she would tell us that they taught her to stay away from “doomsday” sermons if they wanted to keep their church membership up. Now that I am an adult and have become a Theologian, I cannot imagine teaching or preaching without telling people the consequences of sin and the judgment that awaits all those who have extinguished their lamps as the parable of the 10 Virgins, five foolish, five wise.
The five foolish versions partied as if there was no tomorrow; when the bridegroom arrived, they had no oil in their lamps.
The correlation of what is happening now is vivid. Especially since Covid 19 caused such drastic government interference to “protect the masses,” people have thrown caution to the wind and are captivated by the things and places of this world.
While the lockdown depressed me, it also prompted me to take a self-inventory of my life, my (“body church) loaned to me by God. How many of you have asked yourself, “What if God had called my life to end?” Would I have been ready to meet Him? Any responsible human being, saint, or sinner should have taken a self-assessment and replenished the (oil-Word Of God) in their lives-bodies.
I saw and heard many people say that they would enjoy every second of their lives, yet I saw very few posts on social media and listened to very few who rededicated their lives to Christ.
Scripture states when we think we are in a place of peace and safety, our comfort zone is flooded with sudden destruction.
As John state in Rev. 19:9, “We are blessed to be invited to the supper of the Lamb.”
As Jesus said to John, write, make it plain to the people, warn them that the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life with Christ Jesus.
John said these words (we) are the true things of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Saints, we must be relentless in telling people of the soon coming of Christ. We are living in the book of Revelation right now.
Dear God, “My Lord, thank You for calling me to be a part of Your church. Just as a bride anticipates her wedding day, I look forward to Your return and the full revealing of Your kingdom.” Thank You for never giving up on me even when I walked away from You so many times; You did not cut me down in my sin. Now God, as we witness Your word being fulfilled before our very eyes, let Your Word take root in our hearts Lord that we may reject the world for eternal life with you. Lord I pray for our leaders everywhere that they will revert back to the teachings that You gave to Your disciples; Lord God, when You sent them out, Lord, You taught them to deal justly with the people. You charged them to preach the word in season and out of season. We live in a time like never before when people need to be fed soul food, not comfort snacks. God, look AT my PHAmily, my family, my friends, and even my enemies. Lord, have mercy upon them, Jesus. One special request Lord that You would silence the enemies of our ancestors, making them enemies to their descendants, Lord. We work as unto You. We are not perfect, Lord, but we still allow your Word to be our guiding light. We will always remember that You are the head of anything we do in the Craft, Lord; You have kept us Sovereign and obedient to Your Will, Jesus. Be with us as You were throughout the Bible. We have not deviated from your light even when the government has stripped You from the Head, Lord; we witness the chaos that follows those that do not adhere to your precepts and examples. Let my PHAmily stay true to your teachings, and we strive to emulate the teachings of the Heroes and Heroines.
Finally, Lord God, Paul said, “For those who are agitating you, I wish that they were cut off (emasculated) for agitating you Gal:5:12.
Lord, whatever You choose and however, You choose to deal with those who seek to destroy the unity throughout this jurisdiction, I pray that You will intervene on our behalf Lord.
You said the wicked would not rejoice over the righteous God, and though our human nature tells us to render evil for evil, even now, I hear Your voice say to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. We are weak, but You are mighty. You know who the Judases are, and we trust You to avenge us quickly. Put those to shame that desire our hurt. You said, touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. We will stand on your promise that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
I look forward to Your final victory, and with gratitude that I accept Your invitation to Your great wedding feast.”
These blessings I ask in Your Son Jesus Christ’s name,
Amen, Amen, and Amen.