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The Purposeful Creation of Man and Woman by God

God did not make man by accident. In fact, God took His time, created the earth, the Garden Of Eden, and all others first. He then strategically took some and formed man from the earth, wanting him to be a part of the creation which man was to care for. God created man with purpose and love. For example, Adam was to care for the earth. Further, God purposely created Eve to be a comfort to Adam. Just as man came from the earth, God created the woman for the man’s pleasure. Since God created man to take care of the earth, He created a woman to take care of the man, from which God took her from Adam’s rib.

God did this meticulously. He did not make a mistake. It was God’s deliberate design. We don’t exist by “accident.” Adam was given Eve. Eve’s existence shows her relationship to man, as He shows man’s relationship to the Earth and God.

Any deviations from God’s inherent design come from man, not God. As we are suffering now because of man’s disobedience to God’s commandments, God used Job to demonstrate to us that suffering comes from Satan, who was thrown from Heaven because he wanted to be God.

God allowed Satan to inflict His servant Job, through great torture and humiliation. Job accepted that God had a purpose for what He did during his time of tribulation at the bequest of Satan, and Satan gave all he had. But in the end, Satan had to step back in the direction of the same God who permitted him access to Job, a man who lived his life pleasing God.

It is not until God removes that breath of life from man that his life on earth ends. Job knew where his help was coming from. Job realized that although his flesh was broken, his material things were gone, that God did not take his life (breath) from him.

Job said, though the skin worms eat his flesh, he would continue to trust in the God who could take his breath away. God is Sovereign, He gives oxygen through the air; yet, even that oxygen is incomparable to the breath of life that God breathes into us.

The breath that God breathes is His Spirit, which causes us to wake up every morning. “It is the Spirit of God, [The Breath Of Life] who supplies our very breath… not simply the oxygen that we draw from the air” that gives us life. God’s Holy Spirit causes humans to become alive in Christ Jesus. When we deviate from God’s plan for our lives, we become the “walking dead”, we die a spiritual death, the moment we choose to disobey God’s commands for us to live by.

Spiritual death is a direct result of sin. It is foolish for us to claim that the desires of our flesh will not separate us from God. It is foolish for us to think that we can live any way we want and remain “alive in Christ,” sin separates us from the Spirit of God.


Thank You, Lord, for giving me a new life on this day. You allowed my parents to give me natural life, my body, from birth; allowed the doctor to give me my first spanking, clearing my airways to let oxygen in, to breathe on my own. But then You gave me a new birth, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Ghost and the presence of Your Spirit that guides me every day. Thank You for my new birth, the day you accepted me as your child, and the promise of eternal life which awaits me with you. Thank You for delivering me from spiritual death, and I ask that You would saturate me in Your Spirit each day so that every breath I make, glorifies You. I pray this in your Son, Jesus, The Christ’s name, I exalt You always, Amen, Amen, Amen.

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