Faith without works means nothing to God.
As I mature in my walk with God, I say like Paul, you must have the full Armour of God to be able to successfully make it to Heaven.
The Race to eternal life demands we study the Word, that we apply the Word and that we hide the Word in our hearts to be able to stand when trials and temptations of this world overwhelm us.
If anyone tells you serving God is easy, you walk away from that person. Do not even allow that person to lead you. Life lived sacrificial for Jesus is not easy, Otherwise why would my Role Model, Jesus ask God to relieve him of being sacrificed on the cross?
Why would you say that Kat?
Thanks for asking, I say that with assurance. My Role Model is not of this world, My Role Model came on this earth, and from the beginning He suffered. He was born in a stable, He was laid in a Manger, He had to flee because the King sought Him out to kill Him. As a child, He had to leave His mother and His step-father to do the Will of His Father. Despite how much good He did, He was labeled a trouble maker, No matter how much He sacrificed His own pleasures for human kind, they wanted Him dead. He could not get close or be cuddled by His mother because He was busy trying to make amends for the disaster His FATHER’S ANGEL caused up in Heaven and then when that Angel now known as Satan, the fallen Angel hit the earth,
and begin to recruit men and women to follow him, my Role Model, My Savior, I call Him Jesus, He came to our rescue.
He began to redeem humans back to God, their creator, Jesus’ father? Satan tried to buy Him, Satan caused Peter to deny Him; Satan caused Judas to betray Him; Satan caused the Jews to reject Him. and Satan caused the same Jews to put Him to death.
This Jesus, my ” Role Model” whom I choose to emulate, He has never let me down, this Role Model, I speak of has never left me alone, this Role Model who I emulate, He is my friend, This Role Model that I speak of, offered my sins up to His Father for intercession for my soul.
So What?
I have to show my appreciation to Him now by having faith in His process. If I faint and not have faith, live faith and trust Him, all of His efforts for me are useless and/or in vain.
This morning, I reflect on Him? my Role Model as these thoughts race in my mind, as Satan attempt to keep me on the pitty-pot of why me Lord, I began to think why not me Lord?
As I change my focus from my pain, my hurt, and my suffering, and who died that I love, I heard a soft voice in my head say, take your focus off of your condition and put it on Jesus. Do not allow Satan to keep you thinking selfishly and begin to thing selflessly.
Of course, I became anew. These thoughts that you just read began to come clear in my mind; no matter who is removed from my life, no matter what I go through, I could never match what was done to my Lord, My Savior, my Role Model.
Who am I to even question God in the first place? Jesus reminded me that I was conceived in sin and shaped in iniquity. He reminded me that my life is and should be one of sacrifice. He reminded me that my feelings and my emotions do not move His Father, God, the creator of everything. Jesus reminded me that “If I suffer for righteousness, I will gain eternal life with Him in Heaven with His father.
What is My solution????
Thank you for asking!!!
My solution is to accept that I am powerless over anyone and anything that happens to other people.
I must spend my time thanking God that He sent His SON Jesus as a ransom for me.
I must trust God in all that I do. I must praise Him, I must thank His Son Jesus and trust this Jesus to heal what is broken in me, to calm my fears, to dry my tears, to comfort my heart. I must accept what I cannot change, and cling to Him in all that I do.
Now Lord, I pray this morning, that you would hold me in your powerful hands. I ask that you allow my thoughts and fears to be of comfort to some man, some boy, some woman and some girl who may be doubting you right now. I ask you to let my thought process help someone to admit that he/she needs you every second of every minute remembering you and what you sacrificed for me and not his/my current situation. Help me and him or her to lean on you and not our emotions. Lord, help me and others to realize that your salvation is a gift. You offer it to us and you give us the opportunity to accept You or to reject You. Help me and the persons who read this post to the end to acknowledge our humanity to you. You know that flesh and blood cannot enter into your Kingdom, Jesus; so help us to acknowledge our feels, our hurt, our pain, and then leave it in your powerful hands for resolution. Lord, we are weak but you are strong and mighty. Help me and whoever reading this prayer, Lord! to accept that you know our frame, you know the hairs on our heads. Help me and others to conclude that you removed the sting and the stain of death Lord and to accept that we too must walk through the valley of death, Lord Jesus. Help me and others to embrace life, prepare for death and hope for the day when “the dead in Christ will rise and be caught up with you in the air. Help me and others to embrace your Grace. Lord you said that you will deliver us from all evil. That is what the 23 Psalms assures me and all who serve You.
I embrace my present situation is temperol.
I ask your forgiveness for your people. We are human, you made us flesh and blood. Lord!!!!
I pray for mercy right now. As David said, Hide me until the storm passes. Even in my grief, even now as my husband and family grieves Lord, I accept that you have our pain in your bosom.
I ask you once again to hide me and the Grate family in you until this storm passes it is in your mighty name Jesus, I pray Amen.
Lord Jesus, as you suffered, as you left me a road map on what to do in every situation, I now accept Your way, not mine, I look to You now, ❤️ I love you and I pray that my post helps someone who is struggling with emotions of grief, sadness, sickness, hopelessness and maybe in a battle with the flesh and the Spirit.
“Is there anything too hard for God ?”