• Phone Number: 352-433-2173 Email Address: drddbaoh@gmail.com
  • 2825 SW 34th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34474

This Spoke to My Soul

Repost from my Grand SISstar.

There is a difference between friendship and company. Don’t find yourself looking for friendship with people who are only meant to be company. You can’t be honest, vulnerable, or trusting with company. You serve them, laugh with them, entertain them, and host them. It’s always a good time with them. Most often they will only see the polished and fun version of your life.

Friends will not change on you, abandon you, or give you the boot because you take your cape off and have a vulnerable moment. Friends will be the same friend when you’re flying high as they are when you’re swinging low. In fact, they lean in when you have a low or vulnerable moment. ESPECIALLY if they know you are most often flying high (I’m not talking about people that always have something going on). Friends know when they’re needed the most and they are there.

Company will ALWAYS be okay as long as the temperature is set to them. When it gets too cold, too hot, your kids are misbehaving, your spouse is home, you have dishes in the sink, or the circumstances are no longer comfortable for them they’re gone. In fact, if they’re company rather than friends you wont even let them in with unfavorable conditions. Most often you’re looking through the peep hole and not answering the door. You ONLY allow them over when it’s “spic n span.”

Friends are welcome no matter the circumstances. Dirty dishes or a polished floor. In fact, you might hand them a dish towel when they arrive. Lol.

If you confuse the two that sink of dishes feels like you have roaches, the roof is leaking, you don’t have furniture, your water and lights have been disconnected, and you’re sitting in a house with no air when it’s 110 outside. DON’T GET IT TWISTED.

Stop trying to host company and call your friends.

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