The Bible instructs us in the book of Luke to be swift to hear and slow to speak. This morning April 4, 2023, we are dealing with history, but history is supposed to be a teaching tool used to guide our present actions.
Let not your hearts be troubled about this day or the days to come. John said, “If we believe in God, trust Him and His process…as the verse below states and I reiterate, God gave us the road map from the beginning.” He laid His laws down to Adam, Adam broke the rules and had to deal with the consequences of breaking the covenant that he had with God. David, another leader broke the trust that God gave to him and had to deal with the consequences of his fall (flesh).
No one is above the law. The God of this universe will avenge us of our adversaries.
Instead of reacting, let the redeemed of the Lord pray and trust that God is Sovereign and be not dismayed by the media, by those that seek to divide us, even the Christians. As never before saints, pray for peace in the midst of this storm, Scripture reminds us that the righteous will never be forsaken.
Be not a slave to your flesh, do not get caught up in emotions. Give yourselves to fasting and praying and remember as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection and the ascension of our Lord Savior, know that He is alive forevermore and He will live in us if we allow Him to.
Bible Inspiration!!!
Consider the vast depths of the sea, teeming with vibrant life. God did that. Gaze at the brilliance of the stars in the night sky and see their patterns. God did that. Stand at the foot of a great mountain as you look up at the peak rising high above the earth. God did that. All around us, the magnitude and wonder of creation reveal the greatness of the Creator… “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart do not lean on your own understanding (flesh) but acknowledge today that you are powerless over what someone else does. Pray for our families and this nation.
Dear God, my Lord, and Savior, words cannot describe the love that I have in my heart for Your people, from the least to the greatest, we belong to You.
You have done so much greatness. You have come to our rescue for generations even though we do not deserve your Grace and Mercy, You have constantly come to our rescue, there is no greater than the love you demonstrated hanging on that cross. Your patience and love is the example that I live by.
Everything that You created must bow down to You, You never cease Lord to amaze me.
As my Prayer scholar says it so well, God, “the mountains and the seas, the moon and the stars, all testify to Your power. From the first moments, the universe has displayed Your glory. Your majesty and creativity leave me (breathless) and all I can do is give You the glory through my praise, now Lord, I pray that You shut the mouths of the wolves in sheep’s clothing using fear, intimidation, and dog whistles to further separate Your people from You. I pray today that You will guide the righteous and that the righteous will cry out to You now. Lord no one can fool You and I trust today that whatever happens it is in Your permissive will that will lead us to Your perfect will being done in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Amen, Amen, Amen.
Dr. Kat Crowell-Grate, PH.D.