• Phone Number: 352-433-2173 Email Address: drddbaoh@gmail.com
  • 2825 SW 34th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34474

Unapologetically Raw

I am an inspired, flawed, servant of God. What I am about to say is straight from my Biblical inspiration. To some you may not even take the time to read to the end, but, the persons this is meant for, allow God to lead you.

I know that there is one God, the father of all creation. I blindly believe in Him. 2020 has been a year of Revelation, a year of rebuke, and a year of Restoration. This is not for the average brain, but for the real troopers, the soldiers who have battle scars, and those who know the power of prayer, faith, and forgiveness. Many of us have done things that have required forgiveness that we just did not get caught.

Today, I am asking all pastors, preachers, mothers, and faith leaders to please pray for the people who are locked away in jail, and prisons for life. It is our responsibility to advocate God on behalf of our people, who are locked away for years, for life. This goes against what the Bible teaches.

God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ’s death is available to every human being. Once God forgives, man must release his hold in them. Psalms 51 teaches the sinner how to seek forgiveness. 1John vs5-10 reminds us that we are all sinners and if we say otherwise, we are liars. What is important is that we must forgive to be forgiven. The Court system is not set up to be forgiving. God laid the foundation and Jesus opened up the way. Jesus requires us to forgive. Preachers the Word is to us first. We preach to the same people over and over in churches (buildings) God has people locked away in prisons and we must advocate for the release of His children. Many are ex-drug dealers, ex-drug addicts, and yes, even exmurderers.

God is a forgiving God and we make intercession to Jesus and Jesus takes it to His father. I am persuaded that in 2021, we must fight for our members who are locked away. Forgiveness is for the poor as well as the rich. If the president can pardon one murderer, then the government can pardon other murderers. God will hold us accountable if we sit back and do nothing. How many times have you visited those locked away? How many times have we written letters of support?

What if God abandoned us?

Jesus is calling us preachers into question. God said, go and fight for His children. These are descendants of saints who lived for God, we must fight for them. God said in this time of Revelation, He has pulled the cover off these leaders, who live one thing and teach another, we must be like Moses and go to the Governors, to the Senators and demand mercy for His people. God said, it was once appointed for us to die but after this death, there will be a resurrection. Money and fame will not work in these final judgments.

Many of God’s children are locked away, God has need of them. They must be returned to their families, God said that Prison should be a place of reflection and a process in place to grant restructuring for people who are contrite can be returned to their families. 2020 has shown us corruption at the highest form of government.

We have been shown the unjust nature of the lawmakers. God said use your weapons, preachers, your weapons are not carnal, they are Spiritual. Fight for his people who are locked away, because they could not afford good representation, they are locked away, because, God permitted it. Now He said go advocate for His people and He will do the rest.

Word of God, for the people of God.

Unapologetically Raw!!!

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