Reference Scripture Isaiah 57:15
As I began my worship, this morning, this is what God had for me. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would bear witness to itself. After reading this commentary, I am confident that Jesus wanted me to share this with you. Every time you share with me I take the time to read it. We should also listen to each other and respect each other’s right to disagree. So many of the things you express, I agree with; then, there are some, that I believe are not your own thoughts but thoughts of others, that you adopt. That is ok, but those thoughts must be supported by proven facts; not proven opinions, we are better than that. As long as you permit me to, I will give to you my best interpretation of the Holy-inspired Word of God. I said earlier that God chooses us for His purpose and many times, power goes to our head and God’s purpose takes a back seat to our purpose. I must say that is what is destroying our Nation.
We have forgotten the purposes that God created us, and therefore, we have taken on the selfish desire for superiority. When we get too Proud, too great for God, we leave Him. We leave Him and take on characteristics of our sinful nature. I want to say that our President went too far. We have to accept that. He was impeached, the Senate gave him another chance, with the hope that he would be repentant, that he would recommit his way to the perfect Will of God. We Christians/Evangelicals gave him chance after chance to refrain from spewing hatred. He became too focused on his desires and not what the country needed. He lied to the people who loved him. He lied to the people who trusted him.
The Senate and Mitch McConnell brought him back from the brink of destruction after that first impeachment. I hear Susan Collins fragile voice in my head saying, “The President has learned a lesson.” She trusted him blindly and he failed all of us. He did not relent, he did not repent, he did not hear the voice of God saying, “Return unto me” He listened to Satan, His words were, “I have all power in my hands now and I WILL AVENGE MY ACCUSERS” The President left God. God did not leave him. The people spoke on November 3, 2019. McConneĺl and the Republicans, Trump’s attorneys said “The election is right around the corner, let the people decide.” The people spoke. God permitted the Republicans to win seats in the house, rebuking Democrats, to almost keep the Senate as well. Trump had a chance to accept defeat and rebuild for the next four years. He did not hear the rebuke of the Nation; instead, he turned on all the people who loved him. He became irate and pushed his own supporters to the limit. Now, we have another impeachment, further dividing our Nation. We have to release all this pain to God. We have to take God’s way. We must cry aloud, we must tell the truth. As citizens, we are entitled to the truth.
Many great people went to Washington D.C. to support the President. His planners led him and his supporters astray. They committed a horrible crime against the Nation. They showed the entire World how susceptible we are to terrorism. Our Country will never be the same. We as Christians must repent. We have sinned against God and each other. We must be broken and contrite before God. We must ask for forgiveness. Then and only then, will He take this plague away from us? Then and only then will God make us United again. I pray with faith that we as Christians will accept God first, His SON, Jesus second and abandon our ways for God’s Will. We must all say, Lord have mercy upon me, for I have sinned and fallen short of your promise, I believe you sent Jesus through the virgin Mary, He was crucified for our sins, rose on the third day, with all power in His hands. I am ready to be received back in your loving protection, Help me God to accept the things, I cannot change, the courage to change those I can, and give me the wisdom to discern the difference in the mighty name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen. When you have prayed this prayer, God will restore peace in your spirit. Amen.